
What MOE is about

The vision for MOE is to have a one stop hub where whānau can get assistance with the pre-planning, organising, execution and aftercare of tangihanga.

Kia Ora Koutou, 

My name is Brenda Ferguson and I am the Managing Director of Manaaki Ora Events

The concept for Manaaki Ora Events came about after the passing of my father Grant Ferguson in 2016. We were not prepared, but Dad was. He had a little insurance policy that took the financial stress away from our  whānau and allowed us to spend precious time together with no worries. Afterwards the closing of his accounts was also stress free as he had made a list of all of his outgoings and due dates for payments. Being prepared in advance is the best thing you can do for your whānau.

My whānau is everything to me.
I love spending precious time with them all.
I am passionate about organising events. We celebrate our birthday, christening, wedding & anniversaries so now I want to give everyone the best farewell party ever.”


Ko te amorangi ki mua,
Ko te hapai o ki muri

The leader at the front and the workers behind the scenes.

This is a reference to Marae protocol where the speakers are at the front of the meeting house and the workers are at the back making sure everything is prepared and that the guests are well looked after. It is important to note that both jobs are equally important, for without one, everything would fail.



One stop hub for all your needs : pre-planning, organising, execution and after care


By Māori for Māori - Understanding of tikanga around tangihanga


Affordable for whānau - Being prepared so that there is no emotional overspending


Independent funeral planner to assist clients to make informed decisions in consultation with their whānau to remove the stress at a very emotional time

Ko Otatara raua Ko Hikurangi nga Maunga
Ko Tutaekuiri Te Awa
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu Te Iwi
Ko Ngāti Paarau Te Hapū
Ko Waiohiki Te Marae
Ko Tareha Te Moananui Te Rangatira
Ko Rawinia Tareha raua Ko Tame Taukamo me Ko Colin Ferguson Raua Ko Ruby De Silva toku matua Ti Puna
Ko Grant Ferguson Toku Papa
Ko Noli Taukamo Toku Mama
Ko Ross Ferguson taku tungāne
Ko Julie Ferguson – Ngawaka taku teina
Ko Darrin Ruhi Taku Hoa tane
E Toru Nga Tamariki a hau
Ko Jerome ratou Ko Johnathan Ko Ryan nga tamariki
Ko Leah ratou ko Charlie ko Mila ko Hudson Taku Mokopuna
Ko Brenda Ferguson ahau

Let Us Lend a Helping Hand

How I Got The Name

You have a Love ❤️ for your parents
A Love ❤️ for your siblings
A Love ❤️ for your partner
A Love ❤️️ for your children 

is something else 🥰❤️❤️❤️

In my Moko’s Charlie & Leah’s names I could see the words 

CHARLIE – Care –  Manaaki
LEAH –  Heal – Ora

Manaaki Ora Events
MOE – To sleep, to dream